Photo Monday.

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This is a (nearly) completely diabetes-free post featuring some photos from my recent business trip to London and my two and a half day stay in Brussels. I’m posting these for myself as much as anything, but I hope you enjoy at least some of them too.

Quickly, the diabetes part: Being in big cities often means a LOT of walking. A lot of walking is still exercise, and I was caught off guard by a couple of lows during the trip. By the way, you should see Sarah’s super blog post at Coffee and Insulin on traveling or living abroad. Otherwise, this was a great experience for me, especially in Brussels where I didn’t speak the language but still managed to keep from getting lost or going hungry.

Here they are… first, the London photos, then the ones from Brussels.

Thanks for looking in. Have a great week!

A panoramic view of Paddington station.  I did not see any bears.

A panoramic view of Paddington station. I did not see any bears.

The Liverpool Street station.  This is Sunday morning, about the slowest time all week.  My hotel was very near here.

The Liverpool Street station. This is Sunday morning, about the slowest time all week. My hotel was very near here.

I actually ate Pheasant Curry... Seems pretentious, but it was also delicious.

I actually ate Pheasant Curry… Seems pretentious, but it was also delicious.

The Hippodrome Casino.  I may have gone inside.  I may have had scotch, neat.

The Hippodrome Casino. I may have gone inside. I may have had scotch, neat.

Picadilly Circus, about 11:00 p.m.

Picadilly Circus, about 11:00 p.m.

I stayed in a nice hotel.  this was one of many paintings on the walls there, and it always caught my eye whenever I walked past.

I stayed in a nice hotel. this was one of many paintings on the walls there, and it always caught my eye whenever I walked past.

St. Paul's cathedral.

St. Paul’s cathedral.

Covent Garden.

Covent Garden.

I thought if they tried to give a place in the USA that name, there would be protests night and day and half of the rednecks in the south would have Dirty Dicks t-shirts.

I thought if they tried to give a place in the USA that name, there would be protests night and day and half of the rednecks in the south would have Dirty Dicks t-shirts.

On the same note, I thought the shape of this building was a little phallic.  Beautiful, but phallic.  Anybody want the office on the top floor?

On the same note, I thought the shape of this building was a little phallic. Beautiful, but phallic. Anybody want the office on the top floor?


Looking down the Rue de la Regence, toward the Palais de Justice.

Looking down the Rue de la Regence, toward the Palais de Justice.

The Belgium parlaiment building.  That's the Belgian flag on the left, and the European Union flag on the right.

The Belgium parlaiment building. That’s the Belgian flag on the left, and the European Union flag on the right.

The Parc de Bruxelles.

The Parc de Bruxelles.

There are city bike stands all over the city.  When I saw this view, I just wanted to get on a bike and ride it all over.

There are city bike stands all over the city. When I saw this view, I just wanted to get on a bike and ride it all over.

Shoppers at Les Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert.

Shoppers at Les Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert.


Grand Place.  This area is extremely touristy.  But the archetecture is astounding.

Grand Place. This area is extremely touristy. But the archetecture is astounding.

The world famous Mannekin Pis.  Meh.

The world famous Mannekin Pis. Meh.

Looking up through Mont des Arts toward the Palace Royale.

Looking up through Mont des Arts toward the Place Royale.

Looking in the opposite direction, from the palace side.

Looking in the opposite direction, from the palace side.

Place Royale

Place Royale

The fellow working on my delicious dinner one night.  Even the Thai take-out food is awesome here.

The fellow working on my delicious dinner one night. Even the Thai take-out food is awesome here.

From my taxi to the train station, my one and only view of the EU general assembly building.

From my taxi to the train station, my one and only view of the EU general assembly building.


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  • Sarah  On February 16, 2015 at 4:51 pm

    Thanks for the shout out, Stephen! Also– FUN FACT, there IS a place called Dirty Dick’s (and go figure, it’s a crab house) in Outer Banks, North Carolina. I’ve been there! Haha. And, you are right, there are many rednecks walking around in their t-shirts!


  • Mike Hoskins (@MHoskins2179)  On February 17, 2015 at 1:34 pm

    Man, I really enjoyed this post. I’ve never been to London or overseas, and definitely want to! Great photos, Stephen. And I definitely hear what you’re saying about big cities and walking… that’s happened to me a number of times over the years, whether a work conference or just on vacation moving from point to point. Feel like I should set a temp basal for some of that… hmm, maybe I will this summer. Thanks for the motivation, although I am a bit bummed to hear there were no bear-sightings at Paddington Station. 😉



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