Here they are: June 2014 Best of the ‘Betes Blogs!

I’m thrilled and honored to be bringing you the June Best ‘Betes Blogs. Due to Sara’s travel itinerary and my hyping MasterLab this week, it’s taken a while to go through all of the amazing writing around the DOC last month. Sorry about that.

Now, without further ado, let me reach into my specially-constructed stainless steel vault and reveal this month’s best:
Best Use of Humor:
“You know what it means to have “bloused” before a meal, and you’ve likely done it yourself.”
Best Vlog:
“If you develop diabetes-related complications, it’s not a mark of failure.”
Best Use of Photography
I’m going to expand this category to include Best Infographic:
Has sent the Diabetes Australia Language Position Statement to approximately 345,000 journalists and health professionals
Best Advocacy
“…as far as I’m concerned, the diabetes online community made an excellent first impression.”
Best Reference to a D-Celebrity
““Me too!!!” I said with more enthusiasm than I’ve ever had in verifying that I have a broken pancreas.”
Best Story of a D-Meetup
“Here’s to cross-cultural d-adventures!”
Best non-D Related Post
“Once, when I was young I was sitting on the couch with my mom, leaning very close to her, when I suddenly burst out laughing. She was perplexed. Nothing funny had happened. When she asked, it turned out that I had been close enough that I had seen her blink. It was the first time in my life I’d seen someone blink, and the fluttering eyelid seemed hilarious to me.”
Best Post by a Type 1 (Soooo many great T1D posts this month!)
“Have been awake for almost 22 hours straight. Exhausted. It all comes crashing down. 35 years and I am scared out of my mind of diabetes.”
Best Post by a Type 2
“Maybe someday we can laugh at the idea that there used to be a thing called diabetes. Then we can lighten up.”
Best Post by a Type Awesome
The Five Stages to an unplanned set change
Best Story of a D-Mistake
“The bottle that only an hour earlier I was cursing, was now my salvation.”
Best Motivational Post
“that’s why people with diabetes are work work workin’ to contribute to the diabetes online community.”
Best Diabetes Art
“I Have always found that the most incredible things happen right in our own back yard.”
Best Comment
“Suesflash!” (from Kelly at Diabetesaliciousness)
Here is the text to use to get your button:

Replace all [ ] with > <:
[div align=”center”][a href=”; target=”_blank”][img src=””%5D%5B/a%5D%5B/div%5D

It will look like this:

While I’m at it, let me also pass along congratulations to 2 special bloggers who were nominated and had memorable headlines of their own this month:
Thank you to all those who nominated posts this month and congratulations to those who were nominated!











There were so many fantastic blog posts to read this month. Hosting was a lot more difficult than I could have imagined. Remember: If you read something that moves you, leave a comment supporting the writer. And don’t forget to nominate it for Best of the ‘Betes Blogs!

You can nominate a post in three ways:

1. Send an e-mail to bestbetesblogs[at]gmail[dot]com. Be sure to include a link to the post you’re nominating.

2. Via Twitter, send a Direct Message to @bestbetesblogs. Be sure to include a link to the post you’re nominating.

3. Go old school and complete the online form located here. Be sure to include a link to the post you’re nominating.
Sara, I hope I got everything right this time.

Thanks for reading… enjoy your weekend!

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  • Sara  On July 13, 2014 at 4:52 am

    Awesome list Stephen! Thanks for helping out (and being patient with me)!


  • Colleen  On July 13, 2014 at 8:36 am

    I am soooooo behind reading DOC blogs. Enjoyed seeing and reading each one of these this morning.


  • Sarah  On July 13, 2014 at 7:43 pm

    This is awesome, thanks so much!


    • StephenS  On July 13, 2014 at 7:50 pm

      It was well earned, and thank YOU! I thought it was a great story. I’m so glad you wrote about your meeting!


  • Scott E  On July 14, 2014 at 8:00 pm

    Thank you Stephen, both for including me in the list and for contributing to it — by being one of many who have “bloused”.


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